My Own New Normal

A Look Back Since Publishing Adventures of a Soul

I can’t believe that it’s been more than a year and a half now—a year this past August, to be precise—since I published Adventures of a Soul: Psychics, Mediums, the Mystical, and Me. I’ve learned so much about the world of self-publishing and book promotion, and yet there is so much still to learn! A heartfelt thank-you to EVERYONE who has purchased and read my book, and doubly so to those who have posted a review on Amazon or elsewhere. It’s GREATLY appreciated. The Reader reviews I’ve received have been touching and heart-warming. Honestly, I’ve been surprised many times at precisely WHO has enjoyed my book the most and/or expressed to me that they’d been profoundly changed by reading it. Friends who admitted they had barely even thought about metaphysics or the invisible realms, but had a mind open enough to read Adventures of a Soul when they heard about it, have asked me for recommendations for their first psychic or medium reading; for classes and workshops; and for more books in this genre to read. Now, that, Dear Reader, REALLY warms my heart! After all, that was the reason I wrote this book in the first place: to encourage others to expand their horizons—both inward and outward—by embarking on a personal metaphysical exploration of their own.   

Even more surprising to me, Reader, has been another phenomenon that’s occurred since my book’s launch. Friends who read Adventures of a Soul with whom I’d not had contact for a long time—sometimes several decades—confessed to me that they’d had “paranormal” experiences, and even discovered “paranormal” gifts and abilities of their own. Some have come into them in recent years; others had them back when we were classmates or neighbors or work colleagues, but had never shared this aspect of their lives with me, as they had no idea I was interested in such things. (And, honestly, who can blame them? Up until fairly recently, most people haven’t generally talked about these topics in “mixed company,” for fear of being branded deluded dreamers, wackos, or mentally ill.

Reader, the stories they’ve shared with me have been fascinating! One told me of seeing an apparition, dressed in clothing from another era, that vanished before his eyes; another, of hearing a “little voice” throughout her life that told her things, including a long-buried family secret that proved to be true. One described having an ability to intuitively sense serious medical issues in the patients she was treating as a physician’s assistant, at times second-guessing her superiors, and being right! A former coworker told me she has become able to contact the dead, along with a number of spirit guides; and a former schoolmate of experiencing an “awakening” that left her able to communicate with guides, angels, and other higher-dimensional beings. One friend told me of seeing, as a teenager, up close and unmistakably, a UFO craft (or, in current parlance, a UAP); the husband of another shared his experience of seeing two actual ETs—the ones with little bodies, big heads, and huge eyes, in this case—in his bedroom! (Yes, he was freaked out; no, he’d not ingested any controlled substance; and no, they did not harm him.)

And this is not to mention any of the new friends I’ve made, while pursuing my explorations, who are gifted intuitives, mediums, past-life readers, and energy healers . . . I’ve even gotten to know several who can talk to the animals (move over, Dr. Dolittle) and see fairies (yes, Reader, I now believe in fairies, though they’re not, as I understand it, quite the way our pop culture has portrayed them: think less Tinkerbell, more energetic-beings-existing-in-a-higher-dimension-who-often-appear-as-light! (Then again, “Tink” did often appear as a bit of light, so perhaps author J. M. Barrie was on to something . . . )

Actually, Reader, all of this should hardly have surprised me. It’s part and parcel of what I’ve been learning about for a good number of years now in my studies and explorations regarding the idea of a “Shift” on planet Earth—a global shift in consciousness—that’s been long awaited, and is now taking place. (Come on, you knew something weird was happening, didn’t you?) This Shift, apparently predicted by many of the planet’s indigenous cultures and ancient civilizations as something that would occur if we got to this point in history without wiping ourselves out, involves, among other things, vast numbers of people “waking up” to the fact that we are far more than just our bodies, and stepping into a far stronger connection with their Higher Self . . . including claiming such innate human abilities as intuition, mediumship, telepathy, remote viewing, channeling, energetic healing, knowledge of their past lives, and more.

But it’s one thing to read about it and hear about it for decades from so many metaphysical teachers and sources as something “coming”—it’s another thing to hear that it’s here, now, and to actually witness these things occurring among your otherwise “normal” acquaintances and friends. If it sounds a little X-Men-ish to you . . . well, you’re not alone. And from what I’ve come to believe, Reader, we ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. I’ll be writing more about the Shift and in particular the information that’s been “brought in” about it via channelers—individuals who serve as “vessels” for higher-dimensional beings or collectives who are able to communicate through them—for many years now. (There are a few channelers out there who’ve been doing it for thirty or forty years. One has even been invited to speak numerous times at the UN! Who knew?)

So, yes, Virginia . . . and anybody else who’s seriously asking . . . paranormal HAS become the new normal, as I hope I’ve begun to show in my previous blog posts, and looks to be becoming more so every day! Stay tuned . . .

John Cleese Interviews Dr. Jim Tucker

Research into Children’s Past Life Memories

I’m pleased as punch to post this video on reincarnation—specifically, children with past-life memories—as my first blog entry. As an alumna of the University of Virginia (Wahoo-wah!), I couldn’t be prouder of the work of their Department of Psychology’s Division of Perceptual Studies team, which has been studying this topic for more than fifty years. What, a well respected University like UVa studying . . . what some would term the “paranormal”? Frankly, I had no idea that this was going on during my time there! Now I can’t wait to take a trip back down to Charlottesville and see if they’ll allow me to be a fly on the wall and observe some of their work . . .

Here, Dr. Jim Tucker, who appears in my book and has been very kind in answering my questions, is interviewed by the fabulous John Cleese (of Monty Python fame . . . who knew he was so woo-woo curious?). If you find this intriguing, check out Jim Tucker’s books Life Before Life and Return to Life.

Take it away, John . . .