John Cleese Interviews Dr. Jim Tucker

Research into Children’s Past Life Memories

I’m pleased as punch to post this video on reincarnation—specifically, children with past-life memories—as my first blog entry. As an alumna of the University of Virginia (Wahoo-wah!), I couldn’t be prouder of the work of their Department of Psychology’s Division of Perceptual Studies team, which has been studying this topic for more than fifty years. What, a well respected University like UVa studying . . . what some would term the “paranormal”? Frankly, I had no idea that this was going on during my time there! Now I can’t wait to take a trip back down to Charlottesville and see if they’ll allow me to be a fly on the wall and observe some of their work . . .

Here, Dr. Jim Tucker, who appears in my book and has been very kind in answering my questions, is interviewed by the fabulous John Cleese (of Monty Python fame . . . who knew he was so woo-woo curious?). If you find this intriguing, check out Jim Tucker’s books Life Before Life and Return to Life.

Take it away, John . . .